A New Home for Her Family!
For three years prior to the pandemic, we were renting a beautiful house. Then I got an unexpected letter saying my landlords were selling. I had thirty days to find a new place for myself and my five children.
Not much was available in my price range, so when I found a trailer, I felt like I had to take it. In my spirit, I felt bad because my kids had enjoyed such a nice house before. I didn’t have much of a choice because rental prices had risen so much. Once we were settled, I was excited to find a new, better-paying job. I started saving everything I could to put together a down payment for something of our own. It was hard to pay rent, save, and care for my family, so when extended family invited us to stay with them, we moved out of state.
Last May, things started to turn around. I found a house that I could afford to buy. I was so in love with ith! I had the down payment, my job could cover the mortgage, and my credit was good enough for the loan. But during the due diligence period, I co-signed to help a family member get a vehicle. I had no ideas that would change my credit score and destroy my chances of closing on the loan.
When they told me I couldn’t buy the house, I was devastated. Then, about three months after the house purchase fell through, having two families in the same house became too much, and we were asked to move out.
We moved into a hotel for what I hoped would be a short-term stay. Prices had risen more, and every place wanted a non-refundable application fee. I applied, and time after time nothing worked out. Denied. Denied. Denied. Application fees, the hotel, and just keeping up with the basics, drained all the money I had. When I called here to Western Carolina Rescue Ministries, I was down to only enough money for two more nights at the hotel.
Thankfully, they had room. We came straight here, and I have been doing my best to make a new start ever since.
Things have not been easy. My oldest daughter has gone out on her own, and my four youngest kids are settled in with me. I am working to get my CNA certification, and state boards are right around the corner. From there, I’ll be able to take better care of my family.
I grew up in a Christian home, and things here remind me of what we need. God’s presence is undeniable, and it’s like family. If I have a problem or an issue, I can go to any of the leaders and they care for me. I am growing in Christ, and the staff support me with love and encouragement from the Bible.
While I am grateful to be here, I want to have my children in the stability of our own place. So my first big goal is getting us to a place where I can provide all they deserve. They know that a place that houses over a hundred people every night cannot be as open as our old house. So, while they want “Mama’s rules” again, for now, they have to wait.
I’ve never had issues with drugs or alcohol, or been in an abusive relationship. I’ve always lived a pretty normal life, so this has been a big surprise. Honestly, I have a million and one questions like, “God, why this? Why now?” On days when I feel I’m dying on the inside, the staff listen to me, encourage me, and give me scriptures I can trust and hold onto. They remind me this situation is only temporary, that God’s plans for me are to prosper me and not to harm me; to give me hope and a future.
I do see a future with hope.
The little steps are very important. I hold onto Isaiah 40:31 which says that if I wait on the Lord I will mount up on wings as an eagle. I’ll run and not be weary, I will walk and not faint.
I am so thankful!

You are doing a great job. Helping and feeding the homeless is the work of God . I now live in New Jersey and I am looking for a shelter where I can volunteer. Sincerely, Joyce Wagner OFS
Thank you so much for your kind words Joyce. We truly appreciate you. Amanda Putnam