Messages from Micheal Woods, ED

Strengthened by the Storms- A message from Micheal Woods in our July-August Newsletter that encourages us to face life’s challenges and trials with courage, faith, and perseverance, viewing them as opportunities for growth and refinement rather than obstacles.
“I was recently invited by another rescue mission to a ranch in Wyoming to speak to a group of their recovery clients. Located at the end of a 22-mile dirt road, this ranch was as remote
as it was beautiful. Arriving a day before the participants, I took a hike to the top of a nearby must-see vista.
Before taking my first step, I could see a storm brewing in the distance, and I resolved that the hike would be worth getting a little wet. The higher I hiked, the more I could see the expanding scenery, observe the quick-approaching weather, and watch the free-range cattle as they took cover under nearby trees.
At the top of the ridge, just as the rain made its way to me, I spotted an eagle soaring high above the plains. What struck me was the eagle’s behavior. Instead of flying away, the eagle
flew directly into the storm. I was captivated by its determination and resolved to learn more about why the eagle chose this path.
Back in my room, I researched and discovered that eagles view storms as opportunities rather than threats. The storm winds lifted the eagle higher, helping it to glide effortlessly. And the rains cleanse its feathers. By the time the storm passes, the eagle emerges rejuvenated, strengthened, and refined.
This revelation resonated deeply with me. Just as the eagle embraces the storm as a chance to soar higher, we too can choose to face our trials with courage and faith. It’s easy to feel
overwhelmed—like the cattle—and want to hide when life gets tough. But the eagle teaches us that by confronting our storms head-on, we can emerge better and stronger.
In James 1:2-12, we are reminded to count it all joy when we face trials because they pro duce patience and ultimately lead to a stronger character. God uses these storms to refine
us and prepare us for greater things. And while the storm may seem unending and relentless, remember it is only temporary. Just like hurricanes and thunderstorms pass, so will our trials.
Friend, if you’re still alive, God is not done with you. No matter your past, your age, or your current struggles, as long as you have breath in your lungs, there is more for you. The enemy may have taken his best shot, but if you’re still here, you have the power to continue fighting and growing.
I am reminded of spending summertime days with my grandmother. As she would hang her clothes and sheets out to dry, I would delight in running all around and through them. She would eventually tell me to go run around somewhere else, but I will always remember her singing as she was working. One of those songs said, “Trouble won’t last always.” There’s so much truth in that line. Trouble always has a time stamp. And because trouble is always time bound, it can be weathered, outlasted, and overcome.
In every trouble, we have the opportunity and ability to thrive. To come through as winners, we must not make permanent decisions based on temporary circum stances. Storms may be fierce, but they are always temporary, and in Christ, we have the strength to endure and grow from them. We thrive when we embrace our storms, trust the process, and know that God is with us every step of the way.
So, let me encourage you in this: As you navigate your own personal storms, remember that as long as you’re not dead, God’s not done. Embrace the challenge, rise above it, and let it refine you. The reward on the other side will be worth every struggle you face along the way, and through it all, God will prove Himself faithful to you.