Close-up of Heart Shape

Following Jesus with Intentional Love

I recently witnessed an extraordinary occasion between my son and grandson.  As we worked in the yard, a remarkable resemblance between them struck me for the first time.  It caught me by surprise considering the close bond I’ve shared with both of my sons over the years. Despite coaching them in basketball and being intimately familiar with their off and on-court mannerisms, I had overlooked the fact that my first son possesses a distinctly unique way of walking.

During our hard work spreading mulch, my grandson – a mere 3 years old – wholeheartedly committed to being his dad’s right-hand man. Where one ventured, the other faithfully followed. That’s when it happened. My grandson flawlessly mirrored every move my son made, and as they walked, step by similar step, a heartwarming smile spread across my face. They moved in unison, big and little versions of each other.

This touching moment brought to mind the event in the first chapter of John’s gospel when Jesus met and called the first disciples. Initially, Andrew, Peter’s brother, shadowed Jesus so closely that His attention was irresistibly drawn to Andrew. Then, in the final verses of the same chapter, Jesus directed his attention upon Phillip and uttered those transformative words, “Follow me.”

When Jesus called Phillip to follow, He foresaw that intentional obedience would open new and unexpected opportunities for Phillip – allowing him to see the unseen, go to unknown places, and receive blessings he never imagined. 

Jesus is calling us to no less than that today! And like Phillip, we must follow. We too should follow Jesus so passionately that our pursuit is unmistakable. Following His call, we should walk in lockstep with Him all along our way.

But, it is sad how often our Christian lives become nonchalant. We might nod in casual agreement with the truths of His word or spend a bit of time in prayer.  But I wonder how often after our private devotions, we fail to truly engage in our daily walk with Jesus?

We have this powerful opportunity to immerse ourselves in His presence, yet we often treat this privilege casually, merely inviting Him along on our journey instead of deliberately ordering our steps with His.

So, how can we engage with Jesus in a manner that is truly transformational? Examining the gospels, I see three transformative practices that appear. First, we must be intentional – staying close to Him and purposefully walking in step with Him, moment by moment. Intentionality is the first secret to following Jesus.

In John 15, Jesus reinforces this truth by likening His relationship with us to the bond between a vine and its branches. He urges us to “Abide in me,” promising that this deep, intentional connection will yield fruit and abundant provision.

Friend, whatever you desire and ask, it shall be done. However, let’s be clear – our desires can only find fulfillment in abiding in Him. This is the divine formula; to obtain what God has destined for you, you must intentionally position yourself in a posture of deep abiding.

And, let me assure you, this moment-by-moment lifestyle of following God in total dependence is no burdensome task. Quite the opposite – walking with Him lightens our burdens. He called out to those heavily laden (burdened), inviting them to come to Him and find rest (Matthew 11:30).

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul echoes Jesus, urging us in chapter four, verse one, to, “Walk worthy of our calling (to follow Jesus).” Then, in the first verse of Ephesians 5, he instructs us to “be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us.”

Paul’s words about imitating God in love point toward the other two secrets to following Jesus.

Secondly, following Jesus requires that we, “Love Him.” And thirdly, a parallel command: “Love people.”

Friend, let’s not be mistaken – love, even for God, is not automatic. If it were, Jesus wouldn’t have even instructed us to love Him. In today’s world, challenges abound, and our commitment to following God can grow stale, relegating love to an afterthought. Anyone who has walked with Jesus for a significant amount of time will attest that difficult times require pressing into a more intimate place in love.

How do we practice intimate love? We must cultivate the relationship we share with Him. Difficulties and hard situations should not cause us to doubt God’s love; rather, it is the distance we place between ourselves and Him that poses a threat. We must actively and intentionally love and close the gap or distance that can naturally develop between us and Him.

When we walk with Him in love, tragedy cannot control us, anxieties cannot overwhelm us, and successes cannot divert us. By viewing God as the lord of all, rather than some substitute Santa Claus, we gain clarity to discern the bad and the good in life. We measure ourselves against His character, not the circumstances of seemingly more successful individuals.

God remains unchanged by our circumstances. I prefer to walk closely with Him in love, especially in challenging times, because His intentions for me are never unfair. He possesses the wisdom to comprehend my struggles and the compassion to guide me through any storm. But let us not be casual; we must follow and love Him intentionally. 

Furthermore, we cannot fully love God without embracing love for others – this is the third secret of following Jesus. In Mark 12:30-31, Jesus instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Countless individuals cross our paths – some dear friends, others casual acquaintances. While we do not control who enters our lives, we can decide in advance to be intentional about loving them. We can, and we must.

Despite potential mishandling, disrespect, or disregard from others, we can still love. This unique love demands intentionality; everyone deserves to experience God’s love, and we may be the conduits God has designated to show them His love.

So, the secret to following Jesus lies in being intentional, loving Him, and loving others. It’s not an easy journey, not by any means, but it is refreshingly simple.

Imagine the impact if we were to follow Him in this way. Just as I witnessed my grandson following my son, the onlooking world would be captivated as we walk with our Heavenly Father. Oh, that we would become so adept at walking with Him in this manner! It is not just a possibility; it is my fervent prayer for us this year – that we would follow Jesus closely, passionately loving God and genuinely loving each other.

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